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2009年牡羊座的運程 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2009年雙子座的運程
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篇名: 2009年金牛座的運程
作者: 路邊的NPC 日期: 2008.12.22  天氣:  心情:
2009 Horoscope - Taurus
Horoscope 2009 for the Taurus
born between April 21 and May 21
2009 is not a very good year for Tauro on issues related to love. Their partnership will be affected in a negative way by misunderstandings that, if left unchecked, they risk spread and become bitterness. If this happens you, you must act with great caution and patience if you want to save your relationship, because every step that you take will be very important for the outcome. If you manage to overcome the crisis, your relationship will be stronger.
You may also experience problems in your domestic life in 2009, especially during the early months of the year when, sometimes, you are grouchy and irritable. They also worry household expenses. But be patient, because starting in August experienced a remarkable improvement both in your own predisposition as that of those around you. Uranus symbolizing sudden and surprising changes continuing their transit through your 11 th home throughout the year and this could mean that, with help from your friends can make a personal dream.
The year in the professional starts for you with the continuation of what had been working on the previous year, is a time to expand your stability and looking long-term goals. As a general rule, leaving one foot anchored in the soil and salt in search of your dreams and ideals. Ponte firm against the challenges and strengthens your position. Do not get too happy and you sleep on our laurels because of what is now sowing, harvesting the rest of your life. They come sweeping changes that will make your estremecer world peace and tranquility. If you resist change you will make it harder, so let situations go for his channel to flow smoothly and without friction. By incorporating these changes will help you resolve conflicts in a more creative way. Working strong you can get more than you might expect.
With regard to work, 2009 will be a year very favourable and it is possible that the results exceed your expectations are more optimistic. Your career will bring you great satisfaction and joy and perhaps have a pay rise or promotion. It s a good year especially for those working in the audiovisual sector or another sector that requires imagination and creativity.
Neptune remains in your tenth house and this encourages artistic creation, literature, theater, music and so on. If you do not like your job today is a good time to find another that allows you to develop your creative ability.
On the other hand is not a good year to make investments risky, especially during the first six months.
Your purchasing power will increase considerably, but do not exceed your expenses. Think always in your future. Your career will be a focal point during January to April, is where feel the strongest impact on changes a little revolutionary. By May, the changes in your person will be more intense, directed towards a regenerative process and internal growth. For the next month reforzadores your financial situation, making decisions very successful and doing other minor adjustments.
By July you ll be moving in the waters of intellectual readjustment. Also in front are family relationships, share experiences and create new growth prospects for how you should approach this sector of your life. The following month everything will be clear and balanced, the focus will be your home, which rebozo of creative energies and changes, perhaps think about moving.
From September to November, excellent time to turn everything related to work, success and money. The cosmos will smile and give you an opportunity for a breakthrough. The sentimental relations are going through profound change and good decision, weigh the situation and resolves whether or not it is worthwhile to continue with that person, if they exceed the trance, will be consolidated over the union. The year ended with an overview focuses on your job and everything concerning new technologies and advertising. Even if you do not create your investments are growing slowly for your taste, but grow.
The presence of Jupiter in the eighth house of Taurus could cause health problems so you should monitor your food and other stress-related disorders or allergies especially between June and September. But not foresee any major disease. There will be moments when you have tendency to be much more vague than normal and you should take care. It would be good if you start doing any sporting activity to avoid these trends lethargy.
You might make a trip in 2009 and also that buying a car (or other vehicle) again.
On balance, this year will be building your future economic and clarify your love life. Everything you do or not do will influence the next years of your life and will be the basis for your future.
Your Archangel Raphael is called.
Regent is your planet Venus.
Your Angel PROTECTOR is Anael, eliminates fluctuations in your inner life and gives you will achieve your desires for beauty and harmony. The gift that gives you is patience and beauty. Mantram or word of power, and Jachino eee.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

您的購買力將大大增加,但不超過您的開支。始終認為在您的未來。您的職業生涯將是一個聯絡點,在一月至四月,是覺得最強烈的影響,變化小的革命。 5月,變化在您的人將越來越激烈,針對再生過程和內部的增長。為下個月reforzadores您的財務狀況,決策非常成功,做其他輕微的調整。
從9月至11月,優良的時間,把有關的一切工作,成功和金錢。宇宙將微笑和給你一個機會,一個突破。感傷的關係正在經歷深刻的變化和良好的決定,權衡形勢和解決不論它是否值得繼續與該人,如果他們超過trance ,將得到鞏固,超過歐洲聯盟。今年結束的概述側重於您的工作和一切有關的新技術和廣告。即使您不創建您的投資增長緩慢,為您的口味,但增長。
您可能會作出之旅在2009年和也認為,買車(或其他車輛) 。
瀏覽次數:203    人氣指數:4783    累積鼓勵:229
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時間:2008-12-22 23:46
她, 39歲,桃園市,其他
作者回覆說[2008-12-22 23:47]:

