也可考慮搬到較大的房子,享受獨棟房舍居家樂趣,但得找室友才能省錢。找問房租900元的房子不知行不行。也許David Sue , Steven and his wife Melin也想住外面,不住宿舍。可以問問。
Won only 30 bucks at DJ today, but Steven lost about 150. Win and Lost Strategy 在於輸時設立停損點,嬴時設立高峰Stop-Loss Point,一般是最高點的百分之廿。Each Shift over, check again the highest point, then set the 20% again. When the 20% is gone, it is time to leave happily. I couldn’t win more because time doesn’t allow us to stay longer.
Also met Johnny at DJ today, he works at DJ Buffet as a chef.
Cat Yale is mewing outside of my room, he want my petting, can’t write more, let me call it a day.